

    发布时间:2024年05月29日 发布部门:新能源汽车工程学院 来源: 新能源汽车工程学院 字体大小:


    1. 简弃非教授团队在国际刊物Applied Thermal Engineering 2023年影响因子IF6.4; WOS分区等级1区; 202312中国科学院SCI期刊最新分区2

    Xingying Bai, Qifei Jian. Visualization study of improving anode water management by variable pressure hydrogen supply in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Applied Thermal Engineering 241 (2024) 122413.

    2. 简弃非教授团队在国际刊物International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 2023年影响因子IF7; WOS分区等级1区; 202312月中国科学院SCI期刊最新分区2区)

    Guimin Yea, Yuxuan Sheng, Yaping Zou a, Yang Zhang c, Wentao Tong , Xiao Yu, Qifei Jian.  Thermal resistance optimization of ultra-thin vapor chamber based on data-driven model and metaheuristic algorithm. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 153 (2024) 107382

    3. 简弃非教授团队在国际刊物IEEE SENSORS 2023年影响因子IF4; WOS分区等级1区; 202312月中国科学院SCI期刊最新分区2区)

    Linli Li, Qifei Jian.Remaining useful life prediction of Wind Turbine Main-Bearing Based on LSTM Optimized Network.

    4. 简弃非教授团队在国际刊物Electric Power Systems Research 2023年影响因子IF3.9; WOS分区等级2区; 202312月中国科学院SCI期刊最新分区3区)

    Yaping Zoua, Xingying Baia, Linli Li, Yuxuan Sheng a, Guimin Ye, Qifei Jian. Variable pitch fractional-order model-assisted active disturbance rejection controller for wind turbine active power regulation. Electric Power Systems Research 233 (2024) 110424

    5李晓杰副教授在国际刊物Heliyon 2023年影响因子IF4; WOS分区等级2区; 202312月中国科学院SCI期刊最新分区3区)

    Xiaojie Li, Hong Li.  Age-appropriate design of domestic intelligent medical products  An example of smart blood glucose detector for the elderly with AHP-QFD Joint KE. Heliyon 10 (2024) e27387.